To see all of the photos Jenna takes in Italy, click here!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Le notte in italia sono tutte interessante!

Buongiorno! Mi dispiace (I'm sorry), I've been meaning to update this, but time just got away from me this weekend! This will be another update without pictures, because I haven't taken any in days (I've got to fix that, it's getting ridiculous at this point!!). 

So I last updated after my 21st birthday, but without any details, so I'll start there.  That night, we started off as a really big group, going to Campo dei Fiori (the tourist hub of nightlife in Rome).  It wasn't the people I expected to be going out with, except for a few, but I still anticipated a fun night.  When we got to Campo, me and my roommate had to pee, so we told the group we were going into one of the bars, and then we went.... when we got back, everyone was gone.  Clearly there was a miscommunication there somewhere.  But we walked around  Campo to see if they were still in the area, and instead we found some of the other semester students! We hung out with them and I completed my goal there.  It probably ended up being more fun that way anyways.  Regardless, it was an okay night made great by the sense of accomplishment I felt by the end.  

Friday I woke up by 10 am, and caught up on American tv (Grey's anatomy!!!). I went to the store to get a birthday card for a certain grandparent who will be celebrating his birthday this week, and it was far more difficult than I anticipated.  They didn't have any that just said "buon compleanno" So I had to translate like 5 million of them before I found an acceptable one.  I probably spent at least a half hour there, staring at the cards.  And the one I ended up with didn't even say what I thought it said.  oh well.  I also went to the grocery store to buy food for my roommate to make us for dinner.  She made pasta with chicken, peppers and string beans and tomato sauce.  It was really good. That night, most of the semester kids were taking most of the DTW kids out to Testaccio to a club.  We left around 11:30 and had to take the metro.  For most of us, it was our first time to Testaccio, so it was definitely interesting.  The first club we went to was called "Coyote" and it was packed.  We stayed for a few hours, and the DTW kids all left early because they still had more orientation stuff to do in the morning.  After that, most of the semester kids left too, but me and 3 other girls went to another club to check it out.  It turned out to be a reggae club, and we had so much fun! We stayed and danced until like 4 am, and then took a cab back to school.  It was definitely a good night.  

Saturday I mostly did nothing productive.  I did purchase stamps and finally put some postcards in the mail.  I suppose I thought a little about my homework, but didn't actually do any of it.  Saturday night, me and my roommate decided to go out with the new DTWs.  They didn't know where anything was really, so we got to be tourguides.  We were planning to go to Campo, but we didn't leave school until 1:30 am, so by the time we got there, the bars were closing (the carabineiri were parked outside...), so instead we went to a club.  The club, Anima, was really small and really packed, but we made room for ourselves to dance, and we stayed until almost 4 am.  On the walk back I got to know the DTWs better, and I'm not missing the old DTWs as much anymore.  It's going to be an interesting 5 weeks with this group.  

Sunday I did homework.  I actually started my theology paper thats due thursday.  I don't think I did much else.  I slept really late, so much of the day was wasted in that capacity.  But it was a much-needed day of rest.  All in all it was a great weekend!! 

Today I did service at the nursery school again.  Today, when I got there, there was a guy there to teach the kids English.... They're 3 or 4 years old, so that was an almost impossible task.  He was trying to teach them colors, and they were able to repeat the colors after him, but they didn't retain anything. at all. He gave up after only 10 or so minutes and went to work with the older children in the other classrooms.  The kids got to play on the playground instead, which they enjoyed much more! (I enjoyed that more, too!) So we played outside.  Curious to see if they had retained anything, I asked one of the oldest/smartest boys about the color blue, and how to say it in English.  He said he had no idea (blue=blu...) So clearly the teaching is ineffectual. Too bad. And the poor French children, they were completely lost!! But it was fun to play with them, and my italian with the kids has come a long way. My italian with the adults.... not so much. But it's not bad. 

Soon, we have our weekly meeting, and then I might go out and explore a little.  I need to take pictures of something.  It's like an itch that I need to scratch.  So if that happens, I'll write another post with lots and lots of pictures for all of your viewing pleasure.  Ciao! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenna,
    Your experience in Italy sounds great! Working with kids will definitely help improve your Italian. What a terrific opportunity.

    Would you be interested in guest writing for Pink Pangea (, the first online community for women travelers?

    Pink Pangea's goal is to make travel easier, safer, and more fulfilling for women of all ages. We are looking for adventurous and eloquent students who are studying abroad to document their experience, while discussing issues that are relevant to women travelers. It would be great if you could post about your experience in Italy, providing anecdotes and photos from your time abroad.

    I look forward to reading more about your experiences abroad!

    Hope to hear from you soon,
