To see all of the photos Jenna takes in Italy, click here!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

as promised...

Since I've been lacking on the pictures lately, I'm about to make up for that, ten-fold.

Today I was having a not-good, but not-bad day.  I didn't do very well on a test this morning, was bored to death in a lecture directly following that, was incapable of napping due to several different factors, and then was forced to work on my theology paper.  So as I was returning to my room to quit being productive, a thought crossed my mind.... It had been cloudy all day, but the clouds were breaking... It was 6:35 pm... hmm... I though, "I wonder what time the sun is supposed to set?" So i raced to my computer, googled it, and found that it was setting at 6:47. hmmm.. "I wonder where I could go to get a really good view, since It'll probably be one of the most beautiful sunsets ever (don't ask how I knew that.. i'm psychic, duh)?" I asked myself. One thing entered my mind, Villa Borghese. But could I get there in time? I grabbed my camera (double checked for the memory card, thank god) and literally RAN all the way there, dodging cars and vespas trying to navigate the rush hour traffic.  Luckily for me, and the rest of the world, I got there in plenty of time, and I was plenty pushy enough to get right up to the front for a perfect view. Literally. Perfection. So here you go!

First sight walking up

The best picture I've ever taken. 


Piazza del Popolo

So that's that! There's more on my facebook, and even more on my photobucket (link up top). Check them out! I feel so good about these pictures! When I get home, I think I'll print some of them out and frame them so I always have something to remember Rome by. I've never felt so much like a photographer as I do right now. On that note, I'm going to go eat dinner and think of other ways I can spontaneously take amazing pictures... next stop might be the Trevi fountain late at night.... hmmmm

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