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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The calm before the storm....

So, I won't be adding any pictures today. :( I haven't taken any since the weekend trip, and I don't want to use those because that'll mix everything up. So, I apologize.

In my art and architecture class on Tuesday, we met at Santa Maria in Trastevere, which is a church from the 12-13th centuries.  Getting there was interesting, because we had to take a bus, and the bus was, of course, late.  So we were, of course, late (by almost 20 minutes... oops).  So we learned about the church and others of its kind.  Santa Maria's is absolutely beautiful.  The decoration on the inside is an incredible mix of mosaics and frescoes with a beautiful gold ceiling.  After that we were supposed to go to another church, whose name I don't remember, but it closed literally 5 minutes before we got there. So we went to Santa Cecilia's instead.  Saint Cecilia has a pretty interesting story about her, and she's come up in several of my classes now.  She was from a wealthy family and didn't want to get married because she wanted to keep her purity for God, but eventually found a guy she could tolerate (or was forced to marry? I've gotten different versions of this part).  They had a really big house, and since Christians weren't allowed to have places of worship, she hosted services in their house.  Well, someone found out, and they tried to martyr her by locking her in the room with the hot baths in her house without food or water.  After 3 days, she was still alive, so they slit her throat.  She was buried, and when her body was found centuries later, it is said to have been found perfectly preserved (without the aid of any chemicals or anything) and displaying three fingers on one hand (father, son, holy spirit) and one finger on the other.  That is said to be a miracle...  Anyways, so this church was built on top of her house, and nowadays, you can go down there and see it.  It's decently preserved, and you can tell what the functions were for the different rooms.  So we explored that, and looked at the church above as well.  Overall it was a pretty interesting class, but at the same time completely and totally boring.

In theology, we learned about Taoism, which of course wasn't very exciting, but what was exciting is that he cancelled class for tomorrow (my 21st birthday!!).  He also cancelled class for next Tuesday, but because of that we have to write a 5 page paper, due next thursday... :-(

Last night I basically passed out.  I was just hanging out in my room on my computer, and the next thing I knew, it was an hour later and I woke up using my computer as a pillow (its not very comfortable).  I decided to just go to bed for the night at that point, but it was super early!

This morning I woke up early-ish because I had gone to sleep so early the night before, and caught up on american television (GLEE!!).  When I finally got up, I went to the grocery store to get the stuff I would need to make dinner tonight.  But now it's 9 pm and I haven't cooked anything yet... it's not looking likely at this point. Maybe I'll cook myself a nice big birthday dinner tomorrow night.

Anyways, tomorrow is my 21st birthday!! hooray! I'm really excited.  I found out today that my friend from home that was going to come celebrate can't come anymore, so that put a damper on things, but I don't think it could possibly ruin my birthday.  I don't have any plans set in stone yet, which could turn into a disaster, but we shall see!  For obvious reasons, I won't be updating this tomorrow, but I'll let you all know how my birthday goes at some point this weekend.

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