To see all of the photos Jenna takes in Italy, click here!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Buon Ringraziamento!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back home.  This year, I'm thankful for the opportunity to study abroad and everyone who has helped me get here and do as much as I have done over here.

This isn't the first Thanksgiving that I've spent in Italy.  Eight years ago, when I was 13, I came to Italy for fencing.  I was only here for 5 days then, and I was in Torino, staying with an Italian family.  That night for dinner, the family made us omelets with American cheese and spaghetti with sauce from the jar, because the family thought we would be feeling homesick and that feeding us "American" food would help.  Instead, it was incredibly disappointing, since we were looking forward to eating authentic Italian food.  This year, I've just spent the last 2 hours scouring the grocery store looking for any food that would be Thanksgiving-esque so that I could make my own Thanksgiving feast.  I found some turkey, potatoes, green beans and a cherry pie (sort of), but I can't mash the potatoes for lack of the proper equipment, and I have no cranberry sauce or stuffing.  But it's the best I can do.  We'll see how it turns out, but the point is, I wish I was home just for today so I could spend time with my family an indulge in a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

In other news, I've somehow managed to lose everything important.  We're talking cell phone, cash, credit card, drivers license, student ID and the key to my dorm room.  When I say that I lost them, I mean for good.  It's now been almost 2 full days and they haven't showed up or been turned in by anyone.  They're gone.  I had to cancel my phone and credit card today, and I'm basically without money for a few days.  I couldn't even leave  my room for awhile until I got a replacement key this afternoon.  It's been pretty miserable, but I'm hoping that it can only get better from here.

Again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I miss you all!

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